[MSCW List] Mazda Autocross MAX 27 -- Reminder
Nugent, David W CIV AAUSN FMD
Mon Oct 16 20:52:27 CEST 2006
Reminder -- if you have not signed up for our autocross this weekend
and desire to participate with us, I need you to state your intention by
completing the online reservation at
http://www.mscw.com/de06/06_max27_application.html as soon as possible.
Actually, today at noon was the cut off date and I am pressing the
Currently, there are insufficient participants to host the event. Those
that have signed up are posted at
http://www.mscw.com/de06/max_27%20participants.htm. If I am missing
anyone please let me know as well.
Event details: http://www.mscw.com/de06/06sp.html
Thanks for your consideration.
Dave at mscw.com
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