[MSCW list] Who is on the big MSCW list?

Attila the Fun rxx-7_owner
Wed Dec 6 07:37:44 CET 2006

"Nugent, David W CIV AAUSN FMD" <david.nugent at navy.mil> wrote:

> All,

> So who is on the big MSCW list (there are ~400 subscribers)?  What type
of cars do you own and the type of events are you interested in.  I will
kick it off:

> Name    ----    Vehicles   

George Samuels    2000 RXX-7         20B-powered RX-7 convertible
                  1979 ResurreXion-7 T-II-powered 1st gen

----   Interests
Keeping those cars running, then running them briskly.

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