[MSCW list] car purchase decision

fishstevens at aol.com fishstevens
Thu Jan 4 21:51:03 CET 2007

 would someone please present a clear and unbiased recommendation for the Mazda3 hatchback grand touring.  is it a keeper?
-----Original Message-----
From: mscw-request at mscw1.com
To: mscw at mscw1.com
Sent: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 12:14 PM
Subject: MSCW Digest, Vol 17, Issue 2

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MSCW Digest -- 

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Karting this Sunday at 5:30 - Jan 7
      (Nugent, David W CIV AAUSN FMD)
   2. MSCWs January 2007 Events (Nugent, David W CIV AAUSN FMD)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 12:00:23 -0500
From: "Nugent, David W CIV AAUSN FMD" <david.nugent at navy.mil>
Subject: Re: [MSCW list] Karting this Sunday at 5:30 - Jan 7
To: <mscw at mscw1.com>,   <oc at mscw1.com>
    <F8ECC4E676E30249A0FEED32A2F0EE9E02118C5A at naeawnydez02.nadsusea.nads.navy.mil>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"

My bad, the first line should read this SUNDAY.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nugent, David W CIV AAUSN FMD 
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 11:56 AM
To: mscw at mscw1.com
Cc: oc at mscw1.com
Subject: Karting this Sunday at 5:30 - Jan 7

MSCW's Annual Indoor Karting event is scheduled for this Saturday at
AllSports Grand Prix, 45915 Maries Rd, Dulles, VA  starting at 5:30 PM.
The evening will be open sessions, individuals pay for as many ten
minute sessions as you would like, this is less expensive than the
mini-GT group session.  

Allsports Grand Prix is the premier indoor Karting facility in Northern
Virginia.  Designed by race-experienced professionals, the Grand Prix
track features a road-racing profile inspired by the Monaco Grand Prix

Drive extremely responsive karts, see how your steering input translates
into high-speed cornering as you four wheel slide the karts through the
corner.  Get the feel of real racing in someone else's vehicle.

MSCW's Event Coordinator is Dan Donahue, he may be reached at
ltdan12a at gmail.com or 703-964-6277 if you have any questions.  While
reservations are not required for open sessions, please RSVP with Dan so
he has an idea to be expecting you.  

Directions http://www.allsportsgp.com/directions.htm
Allsports information are available at http://www.allsportsgp.com/

Karting is a lot of fun, plan on having a good time.

Dave Nugent


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 12:12:21 -0500
From: "Nugent, David W CIV AAUSN FMD" <david.nugent at navy.mil>
Subject: [MSCW list] MSCWs January 2007 Events
To: <mscw at mscw1.com>
    <F8ECC4E676E30249A0FEED32A2F0EE9E02118C80 at naeawnydez02.nadsusea.nads.navy.mil>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

MSCWs January 2007 Events

Allsports In-door Karting Event
Sunday, January 7, 5:30 - 7:30 PM
POC Dan Donahue, ltdan12a at gmail.com or 703-964-6277

Annual MSCW/MNAO Winter Party at Washington Auto Show
Sunday, January 28, 12:00 - 2:00 PM, Auto Show open until 6:00 PM
POC Dave Nugent, dave at mscw.com

Event details posted at www.MSCW.com.  Auto Show details are being
finalized as we speak.

Dave Nugent
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End of MSCW Digest, Vol 17, Issue 2
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