[MSCW list] MSCW Digest, Vol 28, Issue 4

Jmccombs3 at aol.com Jmccombs3
Tue Dec 11 01:40:12 CET 2007

RE: Body shops toward Reston, etc. - give Matchless Bodyworks a call.   
They're on Route 7, a couple miles or so NW of Wolf Trap.   703-759-4327.  We've 
been through several body shops, and several  disappointments (mismatched paint, 
missing parts, calls saying the car was ready  only to find upon arrival that 
they were still putting it together - and not  well, at that, etc.)  We've 
been taking our body work to Matchless for a  while now, including a 
semi-restoration on our '71 Datsun 240Z, and they always  get it right.  One caveat:  I 
talked to a lady a while back at our Z  car club meeting who had called 
Matchless, and they refused to work on her car  due to its age (mid-80s, as I 
recall).  This shouldn't be a problem for a  Hyundai, and I've not had problems with 
them in the past RE: Early cars.   But then, it's been a while, and policies 
                                                    --Jack  M. & '90 mariner 
blue & '92 Sunburst Yellow & '71 Datsun  240Z--

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