[MSCW list] October MSCW events

Nugent, David CIV DON/AA, FMD david.nugent
Tue Oct 5 23:53:47 CEST 2010


-- Monthly Social Meeting, Rockville, Maryland 
Branded '72 
Wednesday, October 6, 7:30 pm 

-- Northern Virginia Tech Session - Tyson's Corner Mazda 
Parts Dept closes at 7:00 pm 
Monday, October 11, 6:00 pm 

-- Mazda Autocross (MAX 36), Bowie, Maryland 
Baysox Stadium 
Registration Open 
Sunday, October 17, 8:30am and Noon 


-- Monthly Social Meeting, Springfield, VA
Kilroy's Restaurant
Wednesday, November 3, 7:30 pm

Event details at www.MSCW.com

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