[MSCW list] REMINDER: 11 October NOVA Tech Session - please RSVP
lcollierhyams at cox.net
Sat Oct 9 17:25:10 CEST 2010
Hi MSCW members,
Our next Tech session is right around the corner...
This Monday as a matter of fact!!!
Come to Rosenthal Mazda (Tyson's Corner) Vienna on Monday, October 11,
2010 from 6:00 until 8:00 PM for our fifth tech session. There will be a
$5 lift fee which includes food (such as pizza and soda). The parts
department will remain open until at least 7:00 PM. Please, do not abuse
Rosenthal's hospitality by arriving prior to 6:00 PM as they need time
to clear out their day customers. You can buy parts prior to this.
This is a great opportunity to raise your Mazda on a lift and perform
minor maintenance with the help of professional mechanics and/or Club
members. You will need to be an MSCW member to use a lift. You have the
option to join on the spot. Bring your own tools and RSVP if you wish to
attend. Visitors are encouraged to socialize and see what goes on. RSVP
is required, those with reservations receive lift priority.
NOTE: Tech Session participants should give serious consideration to
purchasing parts from Mazda Dealer the night of the Tech Session to help
ensure continued support. We have a discount parts account under my name
set up by head parts man Dave.
Please send your interest, model, name and intended project to
Common projects are: wheel rotation, plugs/cables, oil/diff/tran/filter
servicing, auto window repair, brakes/rotors, radiator/coolant, and similar
projects that can be done within our time constraints.
l.collier hyams - artist musician professor - http://www.50manmachine.com - http://napolitano.georgetown.edu - MSCW NOVA Tech Sessions Coordinator
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