[MSCW list] Parting out 2000 base Miata

Bryan Blackwell bryan
Thu Jul 14 22:36:49 CEST 2011


We're parting out our totalled 2000 Emerald Mica base Miata.  Damage was to the front and passenger side - the driver's side and rear are ok.  The car has less than 75k on it and runs well (can demo run), and most everything is still available - the only major items we're keeping are the top and tires.  Please write with what you're looking for, we'll be working on it on Sunday and you can pick up then, or for small items we can deliver to the picnic on the 23rd.

Photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/autoxer/sets/72157627146667688/

Please reply to miata-parts at skiblack.com.

--  Bryan Blackwell --
bryan at skiblack.com

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