[MSCW list] Replacement radio

brian_willmert@hotmail.com brian_willmert
Tue Aug 2 18:39:30 CEST 2011


I still have my factory radio for my 94 in a box. I dont know if its compatible with the 91, but if it is, I would be willing to part with it. 


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE smartphone

----- Reply message -----
From: mscw-request at mscw1.com
To: <mscw at mscw1.com>
Subject: MSCW Digest, Vol 72, Issue 2
Date: Tue, Aug 2, 2011 12:00 pm

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 12:47:03 -0400
From: "Clarke, Jane" <Jane.Clarke at bioreliance.com>
To: <MSCW at mscw1.com>
Subject: [MSCW list] need a radio
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Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

The amplifier in the radio of my 2001 Miata is blown out (don't ask).
Phil at Gaithersburg Mazda says it would be much cheaper to buy a new
radio from Best Buy and have the Geek Squad install it. (The original
amp is no longer available.) I don't need world-class sound for this
10-yr-old car. Does anyone have any recommendations? I mostly listen to
rock-and-roll and sports talk radio.




jane.clarke at bioreliance.com


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