[MSCW list] New HPDE organization running a Summit Point this weekend

Chuck Winings chuckwinings
Tue Oct 8 22:56:10 CEST 2013

A group of us have been running HPDE events with a new (< 2 years) group 
called Independent Motorsports Group (IMG). They're events include HPDE, 
Time Trials (running together) and even non-contact racing. Some of our 
group runs HDPE and some of us run the races and we have all had a great 
time due to the friendly, accessible organizers. When we have had a 
complaint, usually about another driver, the problem is fixed right away.

This is not an advertisement, just a recommendation as a customer of 
theirs that would very much like to see them succeed and continue to 
run  these events. If you are interested in these kind of events, please 
check out their web site and consider signing up for this weekend.
imgracing.com <www.imgracing.com>

Here is an excerpt from a last call e-mail from he group.

"We are only days away from our *October Summit Point Event 
and wanted to encourage you to join us. The weather looks to be 
cooperative and we should see mild temperatures and little to no 

"There is still room in all groups and we would be delighted to see a 
few more racers and advanced and upper intermediate drivers. We also 
have room in Novice but would ask that you contact us ASAP so we can 
have an instructor available. If you are an instructor and would like to 
help out we could use a couple of extras, just in case.

"Online registration for the event closes tomorrow night at 11:59 PM, 
but at-track registration will be open starting on Friday at 6:30 PM."

Chuck Winings
chuckwinings at gmail.com

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