[MSCW list] Winter Social @ Hard Times Cafe in Springfield- January 26

Katie Orgler katya4me
Fri Dec 20 03:02:46 CET 2013

Come on out and start the new year right. :)

What: MSCW Winter Party
When: Sunday, January 26 from 1 to 4 p.m.
Where: Hard Times Cafe. 62 Springfield Plaza, Springfield VA 22150

Come out and have enjoy yourself with socializing, billiards, cars, sports,
fun, food and drink.

Menu: Chilis, Fixins & Fountain Soft Drinks Chili Buffet.........
Price: $15 per Person

Please RSVP to Katie Orgler at OCs at mscw.com.
Further details at www.mscw.com/wintersocial.html


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