[MSCW list] AEM line of aftermarket ECU enhancements

Ovi Chris Rouly maelzel
Sun Dec 29 18:25:10 CET 2013

Hi Sam,

it is very good news to hear from you about the AEM in your 2002.  

Google found Ken at Oracle Tuning < http: // www. oracletuning. net/ >.

Thanks for the tip!!!



Message: 1
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 12:32:40 -0500
From: Sam Highsmith <highs001 at gmail.com>
To: mscw at mscw1.com
Subject: Re: [MSCW list] MSCW Digest, Vol 100, Issue 13
	<CAHAOhsKZeNEcgVygqCHBuZsDcQx_yscZ8JTy70SC=KHu-K29Gw at mail.gmail.com>
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I have an AEM ECU "piggy back" mounted behind the glove box in my 2002 SE.
 I'm also using an FM piggy back intake manifold from a FM II piggy back
kit that provides 4 injectors for the AEM to control under boost.  Car was
dyno tuned by Ken Hill in PA and outputs 230 RWHP.  Very nice - has a USB
interface and tunable zone by zone with the AEM software from a laptop.

Sam Highsmith
93 LE
2002 SE


> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2013 13:23:00 -0500
> From: "Ovi Chris Rouly" <maelzel at ieee.org>
> To: <mscw at mscw1.com>
> Subject: [MSCW list] AEM line of aftermarket ECU enhancements
> Message-ID: <8FTAP2.11903XI at ieee.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Folks,
> has anyone had any experience with the AEM line of aftermarket ECU
> enhancements?
> For example, will their F/IC unit play well with the 99 Miata MT/5 ECU?
>  And, what about tuning?
> Chris

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