[MSCW list] Voluntary Assistance from the MSCW Community Requested

Katie Orgler katya4me
Tue Jul 15 15:54:14 CEST 2014


Kate is a local Miata autoxer and is looking for input from the local
community for a project, as detailed below.  If you are interested and able
to respond to her questions, she would really appreciate it.

Thank you,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kclaffie at comcast.net
Date: Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 11:17 PM
Subject: Voluntary Assistance from the MSCW Community Requested

 Good evening. I am requesting some voluntary assistance from MSCW members
regarding a short survey for a project related to an advance writing class
I am taking as part of my degree. I have to write a proposal as part of my
final project, and my subject is about the benefits of requiring an
accident avoidance class as part of the licensing process. This is only a
proposal for my writing class and is not meant for any other use. The
responses to the survey will be aggregated and not attributed to any one

If you would like to respond to the 7 questions below, it would be much
appreciated. You can send your responses to kclaffie at comcast.net. Please
note that this survey is not endorsed by MSCW.

Thank you in advance - Kate  :)

   1. Would you consider taking an accident avoidance school?
   2. Would you have a young adult driver in your household (either now or
   in the future) take an accident avoidance school prior to getting a
   driver's license (or shortly after)?
   3. What would stop you from having a young adult driver take an accident
   avoidance class?
   4. If you would receive a lower insurance rate after taking one of these
   classes, would that incentivize you (or have a young adult in your
   household) to take one?
   5. What is the maximum price you would pay for an accident avoidance
   6. Who would you prefer to take such a course from (e.g., SCCA
   instructor, an independent driving school, high school driver's education
   class, other)?
   7. Any additional comments?


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