[MSCW list] December Meeting this Wednesday the 3rd at Tysons Silver Diner

lcollierhyams at cox.net lcollierhyams
Tue Dec 2 22:03:24 CET 2014

Hi folks,

Our last meeting of the year is tomorrow evening! See you there.
December Meeting this Wednesday the 3rd at Tysons Silver Diner

We meet on the FIRST Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise noted above). Socializing starts at 7:00pm followed by the indoor meeting at 7:30pm.

Silver Diner
8101 Fletcher St. 
McLean, VA 22102
Off International Drive
Phone Number: 703-821-5666
Meetings are generally 1 hour in duration and average 40-60 members in attendance with over 35 Mazdas in the parking lot. Weather permitting many members and guests can be found in the parking lot both before and after the monthly meeting.

Meeting discussions generally include club announcements, upcoming events, recent events, industry related guest speakers, special member promotions, industry/Mazda corporate news, shop recommendations, recent repair experiences, product showcase items and trading post items.
l.collier hyams - artist musician professor - http://www.50manmachine.com - http://napolitano.georgetown.edu  - 

President, Mazda Sportscar Club of Washington DC - MSCW NOVA Tech Sessions Coordinator - www.mscw.com

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