[MSCW list] Engine Replacement
Tue Oct 21 12:26:18 CEST 2014
The engine's out of the car - easiest time to do the clutch.
When I replaced my '97's (oil pump failure at on,y 38k miles) engine
with a '94 crate, I did the clutch and flywheel at the same time.
Went with a Mazdaspeed lightweight flywheel with stock clutch, at least
I got an upgrade out of the exercise.
All ordered from Tommy at Rosenthal.
On 10/20/2014 12:39 PM, LaForce via MSCW wrote:
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> Mazda Sportscar Club of Washington (DC), Inc.
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> One thing the Gaithersurg Mazda Service Manager (Tanvir) said when the car arrived; that I should replace the clutch because "it was oil soaked". Is there anyone I can call re: a second opinion when the dealership recommends these upsale-items?
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