[MSCW list] 1 Week till MAX-47

Katie Orgler katya4me
Fri Sep 25 17:09:09 CEST 2015


Registration closes on October 2, 2015 for MAX-47, which will be at Bowie
Baysox Stadium on Sunday, October 4, 2015.

To register go to:
The MSCW member cost is $35/session, and non-member cost is $40/session.

You can opt to run in the morning session or the afternoon session, or both.

We will be reversing the course for the afternoon session.  Register for
both sessions and you will get 2 courses.

7:00 Course set up
8:15 Morning Technical Inspections, paddock on the right side of the
stadium upon entering the park
8:45 Morning Driver?s meeting, course walk
9:00 Morning session cars on-course

12:30 Afternoon Technical Inspections, paddock on the right side of the
1:00 Afternoon Driver?s meeting, course walk
1:30 Afternoon session, cars on-course
4:30 Wrap up and tear down event

For additional details on MSCW autoxes, please visit our website:
http://mscw.com/autocross/autocross.html or email me for more information.

Thank you,


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