[MSCW list] Scenic Drive #1 reminder

Timothy Metzinger tmetzinger
Thu Mar 31 21:29:51 CEST 2016

Our first drive of the season will be a two-hour jaunt through Virginia,
West Virginia, and Maryland, covering the Harper's Ferry area.   We'll start
at the Harris Teeter parking lot off Rte 7 East of Leesburg (Landsdowne
Shopping Area off Belmont Ridge Road), then head Northwest towards
Lovettsville.  We'll cross the Potomac at LEAST four times as we make ar
oundabout trip including some time alongside the C&O Canal.  I just surveyed
the route and there's NO GRAVEL and only minor potholes.  We'll end up at
the 868 Estate Winery,  where we can enjoy some food and wine and art.
Making your way home (sober!) from the Winery is your responsibility.




Google Map of the route - http://tinyurl.com/mscw2016-01.


Sign up at  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040448A9AF23A57-2016


PDF with turn-by-turn directions, and Gpx file for import into your GPS




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