[MSCW list] February Monthly Meeting Tonight

Katie Orgler katya4me at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 17:23:59 CET 2017


Wednesday is the monthly meeting at the Silver Diner in Tysons Corner, VA.
We will be announcing recent and upcoming events.

MSCW Monthly/Social Business Meeting: Feb. 1, 2017

MSCW meets in Tyson's Corner, Virginia at Silver Diner.

Silver Diner
8101 Fletcher St.
McLean, VA 22102
Off International Drive
Phone Number: 703-821-5666

We meet on the first Wednesday of each month, at the Silver Diner in
Tyson's Corner, Virginia. Parking lot socializing starts at 7:00 p.m.,
indoor meeting follows at 7:30 p.m.


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