[MSCW list] 2020 Club Drives - Save the Dates!

Timothy Metzinger tim.metzinger at outlook.com
Mon May 25 01:46:20 CEST 2020

I'll be posting signups soon, but I wanted to give everyone a rough outline of the 2020 season drives.  More details will become available depending on how "open" things get.

June 6th - an afternoon drive in Northern VA starting at  US 50 near Dulles and lasting a couple of hours.  This includes the recently paved Lime Kiln Road.
June 20 - Special Event #1 - A trip from NOVA Manassas down 29 to Charlottesville then joining the Blue Ridge Parkway for a bit on our way to the Virginia Drive-Through Safari Park.   This will start early (8 AM or so) and be an all-day trip.  It's four hours down, and folks are free to take a "quicker" route back via I-81 if they want, or they can follow me on a longer ride.
July 11 - Destination TBD
August 8th - Destination TBD
August 22nd - IF wineries/breweries are open, this will be our driving and drinking (note the sequence!) trip.
September 12th - Annual drive on Fort Valley Road (and to Luray and over the mountains eastbound).

At least once (when the park is open late again), we'll have a stargazing night on the Skyline Drive.

This post will get elaborated on.

Timothy Metzinger
Scenic Drive Coordinator and Crash Test Dummy - Mazda Sportscar Club of Washington
Tim.metzinger at outlook.com

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