[MSCW list] Scouting for the May scenic drive in Maryland - April 17th, 2021

Timothy Metzinger tim.metzinger at outlook.com
Sat Apr 10 21:14:32 CEST 2021

I'm going to do a test drive next Saturday of the short route I'm planning for May 2021.  The drive is in Maryland, starting at Mt. Hebron High School in Ellicott City.   It ends up in Boonsboro after a cruise through the Mountains west of Frederick and by the Maryland Washington Monument.

If anyone wants to come along, send me an email.  I'll ship you links for the Map and the GPX and KML files, as well as a turn-by-turn file of directions.

Timothy (Tim) Metzinger
Scenic Drive Coordinator and Crash Test Dummy - Mazda Sport Cars of Washington, DC
tim.metzinger at outlook.com

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