[MSCW list] 44th Annual Picnic this Sunday morning (Sept 22)

davidnugent at aol.com davidnugent at aol.com
Fri Sep 20 13:55:01 CEST 2024

Two days from now we host our annual MSCW 44th Annual Picnic.  Weather is
looking good and we hope you can make it.



Join us for MSCW's 44th Annual Picnic, at Fort Hunt Park on Sunday,
September 22, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. 

Plan on socializing, sharing food, viewing the fort and talking Mazdas. 


Fort Hunt Park, 8999 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria, VA 22308, enter from the
George Washington Memorial Parkway, take the exit for Fort Hunt Park. Just 2
miles north of Mount Vernon. 


Plenty of parking, follow the park loop road and look for all the Mazdas on
your left. 

Please bring your own food, drinks and a culinary dish to share. Note: there
are NO grills provided in the park, we will NOT be grilling. 

Hope to see everyone on the 22nd! 

Dave Nugent


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