[MSCW list] Coilovers

gerd at att.net gerd at att.net
Wed Oct 16 00:48:36 CEST 2024

I have old Bilsteins in my NC2 that need to be replaced, and I am looking
for an upgrade. The objective is sportive driving and I am thinking about

Does anyone have an opinion how to choose between these (all available on

1.	MeisterR ClubRace Coilovers (Not DOT or TUV approved, they come
marked 'For Off-Road Use Only')
2.	Goodwin Racing Spec Feal Suspension 441 Road Race Coilovers
3.	Ohlins Road and Track DFV Coilovers (they are the outlier in terms
of price) (DOT AND TUV Approved)

Thank you.

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