[MSCW list] MSCW Digest, Vol 101, Issue 3

newcomb4va at verizon.net newcomb4va at verizon.net
Sun Nov 10 17:18:08 CET 2024

After it fell down on my head, I had the headliner in my 2006 Dodge Caravan
replaced 2 years ago July, about $600.  Excellent job.  The glue fumes
remained for about a month.\

Darrell Newcomb

-----Original Message-----
From: MSCW <mscw-bounces at lists.mscw1.com> On Behalf Of
mscw-request at lists.mscw1.com
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2024 6:00 AM
To: mscw at lists.mscw1.com
Subject: MSCW Digest, Vol 101, Issue 3

Mazda Sports Cars of Washington (MSCW) DC, Social Group List Serve -- Send
MSCW submissions to mscw at lists.mscw1.com

Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  Pollet?s in Fairfax - Thumbs up! (Jack Mccombs)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 17:54:52 -0500
From: Jack Mccombs <jmccombs3 at aol.com>
To: mscw at lists.mscw1.com
Subject: Re: [MSCW list]  Pollet?s in Fairfax - Thumbs up!
Message-ID: <EA4A7706-2ECF-4311-BD78-66A9220161AC at aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

This is a belated followup about our experience with Pollett?s in Fairfax.
We took Anne?s ?92 Miata there for the installation of a heated driver side
seat.  (I had installed one years ago, but it was no longer working and I
was too lazy to do the job again.)  The process was very straightforward.
As it turned out, they used the same kit that I had used years ago, even to
the switch configuration.  (That was a blessing, since I had installed the
switch in a neat little bracket that looks OEM.)

Bottom line:  About six hours and $350, and Anne now has a hot seat whenever
she wishes.  Pollet?s also does interior and upholstery work and top
installations, but I haven?t had any experience with their work on those

--Jack M.--

End of MSCW Digest, Vol 101, Issue 3

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